gut health

Spring is in the air!

Do you have seasonal allergies? Here are some tips to make this season a little easier:

Spring’s warm weather is always a welcome change after the long months of our Buffalo winter. But for those with seasonal allergies and sensitivities to pollen in the air, changes can be miserable. Over-the-counter allergy-relieving products often have unpleasant side effects like drowsiness and feeling groggy and often only provide minimal relief. So what else can be done to relieve seasonal allergies?

Did you know that 70-80 percent of your immune system lives in your gut? More specifically, your immune system is regulated by the trillions of "good" gut bacteria that live along the mucosal lining of your digestive system. One of their most important jobs is keeping your immune system informed of potential invaders (allergens, viruses, bacteria) trying to gain access to your body via the eyes, nose, or mouth. These good bacteria keep your immune system well-tuned and functioning well, prepared to deal with anything perceived as a threat.

But, when your gut becomes inflamed due to infection, poor diet, or an imbalance in the gut bacteria, the immune system can sometimes go into overdrive, causing the immediate symptoms of seasonal allergies, including sneezing, a stuffy head, and a runny nose.

What you can do about it:

  • Keep a food diary. Does what you eat negatively impact how you feel?

  • Include plenty of gut-healing foods in your diet such as fiber, pro- and prebiotics, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, sprouts, and fermented or cultured foods.

  • Exercise just after it rains when pollen counts are the lowest.

  • Take the right nutrients, including whole-food vitamin C, foods rich in zinc (shellfish, beans and pumpkins seeds for example), probiotics, turmeric, and good quality fish oils to name a few.

Restoring healthy gut bacteria by reducing and removing inflammation can make allergy season so much more enjoyable!

21 Day Purification Program Review

“The 21-Day Purification Challenge was exactly what I needed after falling into a quarantine rut topped off with holiday eating & stress. I was feeling sluggish, fatigued, and just overall “not good”. Enter Standard Process’s purification program. Led by Dr. Brenda, I snapped myself out of the take-out and carb-filled funk I’ve been in and fell in love with fresh, whole foods again and my body is thanking me! I feel energized, less bloated and gassy, and am enjoying REAL foods again. 21 days is the perfect amount of time to establish a better routine and healthier habits that are sustainable for the long haul. And with a specific and informational guide and an active online community, there was no guess-work, confusing rules, or impossible restrictions. I can’t wait to do this program again this summer when there are a lot more fresh local fruits & veggies to enjoy!”

Emily, January 2021 Purification Program participant