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Are you ready for some football?

Did you know that all 32 NFL teams have a chiropractor as part of their staff?
The first team to bring in an official team chiropractor was the New England Patriots 30 years ago. The NFL team chiropractors help althetes heal from acute injuries during the season such as concussions, whiplash, muscle strains and joint pain. They also play a key role in rehab, injury prevention and overall performance. 

Other fun NFL chiropractor facts...

Check out the Netflix series "Quarterback" Episode 3 to see a chiropractor in action with Kirk Cousins of the Minnesota Vikings. 
Disclaimer: This episode also contains footage of the 2022 Bills/Vikings game when the Bills fumbled in the end zone resulting in a Vikings TD. It still hurts to watch. 

Pick up a Buffalo Bills schedule at your next visit!

Using Kinesiology Tape During Pregnancy

Did you know that kinesiology tape can be used to tape the belly during pregnancy? Depending on how it is applied, it can help relieve low back pain or pressure as baby starts to drop lower into the pelvis. Or it can help relieve pressure under the ribs to make it easier for mom to breathe.