pediatric chiropractic

How can chiropractic help infants with difficulty breastfeeding?

From the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
October 2009

This is a case series of 114 infants who were diagnosed in a hospital or by a lactation consultant with breast feeding problems. These patients were referred to seek chiropractic care in addition to routine pediatric care.

The three most common diagnoses for why these infants were unable to breastfeed were:
-cervical posterior joint dysfunction
-temporomandibular joint imbalance (TMJ)
-inadequate suck reflex.

“Treatment was chiropractic therapy in addition to support given elsewhere.
All children showed some improvement with 78% being able to exclusively breastfeed after 2 to 5 treatments over a 2-week time period.”

Chiropractors are experts in diagnosing and treating disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems - in this case series the most common issues being with the cervical spine and jaw. 

This article demonstrates the benefit of pediatric chiropractic care as a multidisciplinary approach to breastfeeding issues with a musculoskeletal cause.

Why crawling is an important milestone for infant development:

Crawling on hands and knees (also called cross-cross crawling or cross crawling) requires limbs from opposite sides of the body to communicate with each other. This motion is vital to develop an area of the brain called the corpus callosum. It’s the portion of the brain that allows communication between the right and left hemispheres.

Cross crawling involves coordinated movements of eyes, ears, hands, feet and core muscles.

Cross crawling requires baby to move a limb to the opposite side of the body. This helps:

Low back strength to get ready to stand

Prepares ankles for flexion to get ready for waking

Begins spinal rotation

Strengthens hand-eye coordination

If baby is using other ways to crawl (scooting, using one foot/knee to push along, crab crawling, or rolling) they may be compensating for various reasons. It may be time to find a practitioner like a pediatric chiropractor who can help find ways to encourage cross crawling

