
What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

It is a non-invasive, natural healing therapy used for treating imbalances on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual.

What does it do?
It brings about deep relaxation, releases energy blockages, detoxifies the system, increases vibrational frequency providing new vitality.

How does it work?
It balances and strengthens energy facilitating the body’s ability to heal itself

What happens during treatment?

The practitioner is channeling energy holding their hands in a pattern above the person being treated. Some people experience a sensation of heat, a feeling of vibration or movement of energy, emotional release, deep relaxation and peacefulness

Who should receive Reiki treatment?

Anyone feeling burdened by stress or anxiety, overwhelmed by life circumstances, experiencing pain, emotionally drained, having difficulty focusing, disconnected, interested in revitalization, rebalancing, and healing.

Reiki treatments with Donna can be booked online or by calling 716-551-0970.